The Winning Criteria.


  1. Grand Prize

    1. All Finalists are automatically entered into this category.

    2. $1000 prize purse

    3. Judges will choose the Grand Prize Winner

  2. Under 18

    1. ALL athletes featured in the submitted film must be 17 or younger on the submission deadline. Wild Wind Film Festival will determine if eligible.

    2. $500 prize purse

    3. Festival judges will choose the Under 18 winner.

  3. All Female

    1. All people involved with the creation of the film submission MUST identify as female. Wild Wind Film Festival will determine if eligible.

    2. $500 prize purse.

    3. Festival judges will choose the All Female winner.

  4. Audience Choice

    1. All Finalists are automatically entered into this category.

    2. $500 prize purse

    3. The audience at the premiere of Wild Wind Film Festival in Hood River will fill out a form to choose the winner of this category. 

Judging Criteria

There is no minimum or maximum length requirement. However, we are looking for films that excel in the following categories:

  • Editing

    • Clip Variety

    • Color Correction

    • Transitions

    • Effects

    • Cohesion

  • Cinematography

    • Lighting

    • Composition

    • Framing

    • Angles

    • Motion

  • Story Telling

    • Compelling

    • Storyline

    • Cohesive

  • US Representation

    • Uplifting US rider, location, or culture

  • Impression/Impact

    • Emotional

    • Moving

    • Inspirational

  • Creativity

    • Novel

    • Unique